2025 Bentonsport Events |
Sundays The Mason House Inn offers brunch to the public from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Go to https://themason
houseinn.com/brunch/ for the menu. February 1- March 30 Greef General Store and Addy May Fudge open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. February 14-15 Valentine’s Day couples dinner package at the Mason House Inn. Reservations required. Go to www.facebook.com/masonhouseinnbb/ for more information. April 5 Iron and Lace opens Saturdays only. April 19 All Bentonsport village shops open Saturdays and Sundays. Dates and times open for all Bentonsport shops will be listed on "Places to Shop" tab. April 19 Grand opening for shops Sisters Vintage & More and Treen Woodworks on Des Moines Street, across from Tony Sanders' Indian Artifact Museum. The Odd Fellows Building first floor is available for rent as well as the building known as the Bank Building. Contact Frank Boyer at Van Buren County Conservation at (319) 293-3589 or email him at [email protected] May 1 Village Shops open weekdays for season. See charted schedule on "Places to Shop" tab. May 24-25 Flea Market/Craft Show 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Outdoor flea market, crafts, antiques, food, live music. Call event coordinator Lois Thompson at 641-208-1419 to reserve vendor space or have questions answered. Brought to you by Bentonsport Improvement Association. May 25 Memorial Day Observance Program Sunday, 6:30 p.m. historic Bentonsport Presbyterian Church. Rev. Larry Shipley officiates. Speakers, vocalist and pianist. Twenty-One Gun Salute on church lawn. June 1 Bentonsport Presbyterian Church services begin every Sunday at 9 a.m. through September 28. A half-hour service is presented by guest ministers and trained service leaders, pianist. June 21 Bentonsport Heritage Day 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Experience Bentonsport as it was in the 1850s. Historic characters in action, wagon rides, shops have gift basket drawing (do not need to be present to win). Bentonsport’s shops will be open in the business district and vendors will sell period appropriate wares near the Rose Garden. Haven Noble will exhibit his tintype camera (Civil War era) and his collection of Civil War photos. Cherie Haury-Artz from UI Archaeology is exhibiting pictographs made by a Mesquaki chief in the 1830s and as well as artifacts from the time period. July 18-19 Christmas in July hosted by Greef General Store. |
Heritage Day 2024 In ReviewAugust 2 Hump Day hosted by Greef General Store.
Oct. 11-12 Bentonsport River Fest 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (part of Villages of Van Buren County's Scenic Drive Festival). Crafters, flea market items, antiques, collectibles, music and free wagon rides. For more information, email [email protected]. Oct. 11-12 Annual Bentonsport Art Show featuring artists from IA, IL, MO and MN. Demonstrations and sales. For information call 319-592-3222. Nov. 1 - Dec. 24 Shops reduce hours to weekends only, Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chart schedule for individual shops to be located on "Places to Shop" tab. Nov. 29 Shops open Black Friday and the weekend, 10 am to 4 pm. Dec. 5 Lights of Bentonsport. Join the Bentonsport merchants while they bring in the Christmas season with the lighting of the gazebo. Shops open 5 p. to 7 p.m. Cocoa and treats served at the "Lighting" at 6 p.m. Dec. 6 Bentonsport Christmas. Enjoy holiday shopping, treats, door prize drawing. Dec. 21 Christmas Dinner at the Inn. Reservations are required. Call (319) 592-3133. Dec. 22 Shops close for winter except Greef General Store/Addie May Fudge will continue to be open weekends after a brief winter break. Check back for updates and added events. |